Hello!!! My awesome Beehive leader, Sarah Smith, recently moved to Oregon( like yesterday). She has been an awesome leader. I will miss her so much. I got together with the Beehives and we made a nice(surprise) gift basket for her. When we were babysitting at Enrichment we decorated the basket. We thought, that surely S. Smith would not come into the Nursery. She never did before. Alas, she did come after it ended! Luckily, we had hid the basket under the little playhouse and could just turnover cards. We said we were working on Personal Progress(we did, well only one girl was using it). She bought it! Yes. We had to work our way out of a couple tough situations(she would have asked many unanswerable questions), but other than that it was great. The Beehive card was SO good. And oh so cute! I will miss Sister Smith so much, and I hope she has a great time in Oregon.
P.S. Bro. Smith was my home teacher :( He is also a foot and ankle doctor/surgeon so that's why the moved to Oregon.
What a cute idea! I remember many of my YW leaders. They are so fun to have activities with. Thanks for sharing!
Aunt Anna
I LOVED Sister Smith too! I will miss her :)