Thursday, June 30, 2011

LOTR Lag - the most epic thing that could ever plague you

Soooooo. LOTR Lag. By now you are probably wondering what it is. I'll tell you.

pronunciation: Lot-er lag

1. The tiredness you feel after having gone to see the Epic Extended Edition of Return of the King in the theaters.
2. The remaining excitement and bubbly way you feel after having experienced the amazing 4 hours of well earned ENHANCED EPICNESS.

So hopefully by that description you should get the point that YES I GOT TO GO SEE THE EXTENDED VERSION OF RETURN OF THE KING IN THEATERS AS IT SHOULD BE SEEN! And yes it was so EPIC!! And yes I didn't get home till the day after. BUT IT WAS AMAZING

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Emily for taking me! :D I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER regret this.

I feel like such a geek......but I Do NOT regret it. It's the greatest feeling in the world..

Well...maybe not.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So I went to the dentist yesterday...and it reminded me of the this funny song that makes fun of Dental Care. It's by Owl City. Enjoy!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Words of Wisdom

On Writing

This post may be quite long so keep that in mind. This post is dedicated to all my friends and fellow writers out there. These are my thoughts on writing. If they sound philosophical, so be it.


If you have been a faithful follower of this blog, (if so I congratulate you.) you will know I like to write novels.

As I have been working on my latest novel with an actual curriclum, I've learned so much more as to what writing REALLY is. It's not just the easy vivsion most people have of "sit-and-write-a-bunch-of-words-on-paper" In actuality it's pouring your heart and soul into something you really believe in.

It's a process for hard work, tears, stuggles, writers block, depression (sometimes yes,) and sucess. In the end the product is amazing. A novel packed with your soul. Your words, your inner thoughts. Your novel is a part of you.

I can't say that I have actually had that placed before me, but as I have struggled to come up with the right phrases and ways to make my Hero live right I've had the same problems as everyone else.

Writing is a joy. It can sound like tedious work. And it is. But it is also the most fun you may ever had (if you are a writer). For me, I love seeing the words I've had in my head for a long time finally take shape I just have this inexpressible joy.

I remember the first day I started writing my book. I had been pondering the writing and had most of it pre-written in my head. So it wasn't very hard to write. I remember begin online with my friend and I was chatting with her talking about how I was writing. She was really close to me and I was sharing my first parts of the rough draft. Of course everyone was cheering me on, and telling me how talented and awesome it was.

The thrill I felt was exuberating! I just could not stop smiling! It was just amazing. To tell you the truth I screamed into my pillow quite a few times out happiness. It may have gotten a little out of hand, but my point is... Writing can be just wonderful. As I've said a lot in this post.

Writing is a way to express yourself on paper, through another person's eyes. It's a way to relieve stress. Let out your thoughts. It's just...amazing.

(No worries, don't take this personally if you don't agree. The thoughts expressed are solely mine)

Writers Frenzy

Sometimes I wish I had more time for writing... I need more time. I have mentioned One Year Adventure Novel (the writing program I use) many times. I may have not mentioned that there is a yearly competition for students to submit their novels. There are the usual Top 3, along with 8 or so finalists(the top 3 come out of that). Anyway.. I was hoping to enter this year....

But my hopes may be dashed.

A. I got behind this year. Joy of Joys. Of course this if my first year really trying to conquer a novel so...that's my excuse.

B. I haven't even completed my book yet.... (not even half way)

C. You need like 3 weeks of waiting BEFORE you begin editing so that you can have a break. This will not fit in well because......

D. The deadline for submission is August 15th.

So wish me luck as I push my heart and soul into writing my novel. At the moment I'm beginning to accept the fact that I will not be entering. I'm just gonna press forward with my work and hope that I will finish it by the deadline at least. There are a few more years for me.

With that said... Forward Ho! with Daughter of the Forest.

20 Reasons Why

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Some words of wisdom..

To My Dear Writing Friends...

9 Ways To Kill Your Muse

1. Only write when s/he comes. Muses are shy, spontaneous creatures. If you don’t ever force them to do anything, they will shrivel up like raisins.

2. Get on Facebook. There’s an app on every Facebook profile, whether you want it or not, which will grab your muse by the hair, and suck him or her dry.

3. As a matter of fact, this disgusting parasite is on every page of the internet.

4. Allow Eddie (your internal Editor) to tell you that your book sucks and you should never, ever show it to anyway will make your muse run away sobbing and then die a long, miserable death of a broken heart.

5. Always stick to the plan. Spontaneity, remember? Without a chance at spontaneity and a breathing plot and characters, your muse will die of boredom.

6. Never have any sort of plan. Muses actually thrive on structure, even if it is only little. If absolutely ANYTHING goes they will get overwhelmed and collapse in a puddle of tears at about the third chapter.

7. Compare your writing to another’s. Your muse will go on strike holding a sign that says: “My Author Thinks I’m Not Good Enough.”

8. Delay writing when you feel him or her tugging. Muses actually encouraging a writing session is rare--if you don’t write when she says, she will hide for months in someplace stupid, get a dreadful disease, and die in delirium.

9. Write and read blogs before working on novels. Never fails.

So please, don't kill your muse. You'll find it hard to retrieve him/her back.


One of my friends from my writing program (OYAN) posted this on her blog. She has many great posts about writing and so forth. I thought this was a nice post, seeing as it can be applyed to all areas of creative activity. Not just writing.

So, think of me before you let your muse die.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Writing here I come!

So some of you may know that I am participating in a class called One Year Adventure Novel. And Some of you may know that this is a writing class designed to help you write a novel in one year. Hence the title. :D Well I've loved this class. I got behind however when I had trouble(grr you Ideas Block) filling in some of my Map(the outline book) and so I have only recently begun writing. Loving it! I feel impressesed (more like I want to) share a couple excerpts from the first chapter.

Being a Princess has it’s perks, and it’s not-so-lovely perks. The first horrible perk is Heels.
Heels are the worst invention ever. Corsets are the second worst. I know that from experience. And more recently from my slightly hurt ankle and the fact that I haven’t been able to breath properly for the past couple hours.

”Princess Gwyn!”
I jumped. Oh no. Forcing a placid smile on my face I turned to face him. “You found me Humperdink.”
The short pudgy prince scowled. “I told you it’s Humperdicus.”
I rolled my eyes. Luckily I could mend this. “Think of it as a...nickname. Humperdicus, the Humperdink.”
He seemed to consider that. Sort of take it in. Think it over. Then he accepted it. “I’m honored Princess Gwyn.”
“Great. Now why don’t you go share that with Lady Sarain? I’m sure she’ll find it very...” I stopped myself before I said Amusing. “....nice.” I finish

I turned to face the curious being. As I did a strange feeling overcame me. I felt as if my whole life, my destiny was in this persons hands. I shook myself. That was crazy. Utterly. But somehow I knew my life was never going to be the same again