Thursday, June 30, 2011

LOTR Lag - the most epic thing that could ever plague you

Soooooo. LOTR Lag. By now you are probably wondering what it is. I'll tell you.

pronunciation: Lot-er lag

1. The tiredness you feel after having gone to see the Epic Extended Edition of Return of the King in the theaters.
2. The remaining excitement and bubbly way you feel after having experienced the amazing 4 hours of well earned ENHANCED EPICNESS.

So hopefully by that description you should get the point that YES I GOT TO GO SEE THE EXTENDED VERSION OF RETURN OF THE KING IN THEATERS AS IT SHOULD BE SEEN! And yes it was so EPIC!! And yes I didn't get home till the day after. BUT IT WAS AMAZING

Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Emily for taking me! :D I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER regret this.

I feel like such a geek......but I Do NOT regret it. It's the greatest feeling in the world..

Well...maybe not.

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