So I'm gonna review the Soul Surfer book and movie.
BOOKThe book Soul Surfer was really good. I read this before I saw the movie and I totally devoured it. It was really
interesting. For those of you not familiar with the story, it's about Bethany Hamilton. Bethany is a pro surfer. In 2003, when she was 13 she was attacked by a 13ft. Tiger Shark and lost her arm. It's her story. She wrote this book a year after and it's basically introducing her life, what happened before and after the attack, how people reacted, and how she got back on the surf board. She is a great surfer despite her arm loss. It's truly an amazing story. She's Christian and she really tells how she trusted in God and she was able to overcome her obstacles. I highly recommend this. My mom and I both read this book and thought it was great. It wasn't a hard read. Fairly easy, but still worthwhile and great.
MOVIEI think that the movie was a very good portrayal of the book. They did a really good job. They did not over dramatize the attack. It was not gruesome or gory or descriptive. They simply showed how it was and it was totally fine. Yes, they did leave some things out. But most movies do. But the things they did leave out were a bit minor and there for inconsequential. I think they added one or two things, but what movie doesn't? Overall, this was a good movie.